Here is an explanation and description of the ESP/Wallhack feature and operation in Fortnite: ESP allows the player to see information and elements of the game that are not normally available to other players.

Fortnite ESP (Extra Sensory Perception) or Wallhack is a type of cheat used in games, including Fortnite.Selecting a specific body part allows you to target to find that area, which will increase the benefits in favor of eliminating the product. Other available options for adjusting the chest, torso or other body parts.

For example, you can choose a direction (headshot) as a priority area, which increases the effectiveness to hit in critical places.

It can be adjusted to determine how wide the angular range the aimbot is applicable to. Fortnite FOV (Field of View) : The FOV is the aimbot’s field of view, which is the area where the aimbot will operate.Thanks to the application of honing, crosshair movement becomes more natural and smooth, which makes it difficult for other players or the anti-cheat system to work with. This allows you to add additional and crosshair-dependent that can indicate that the player is using an aimbot. Fortnite Smoothing : Smoothing for a feature that controls the smoothness of aimbot crosshair movement.Below is a description of some of the features that may be available to you along with their meanings: Aimbot in Fortnite is a Fortnite cheat that is designed to automatically and accurately direct the crosshair right in the opposite direction, which gives it leadership in combat.